Dr Elkin

Dr Elkin has worked in the field of functional recovery since 1994 as a Neurological Rehabilitation Therapist, a title issued by the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.

He obtained his Certificate of Osteopath at the French school “CERDO” (Center pour l’Etudes, la Richerche et la diffusion Osteopathiques) in Rome.

He graduated in Physiotherapy at the University of Chieti “G. d’Annunzio”, and at the Institute of Osteopathy and Posturology (IFOP) he achieved the title of Osteopath with the patronage of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.

Master in Sports Psychology at Psymedisport

Dr Elkin


Professional activity as a Physiotherapist

Annunziatella Clinic in Rome

1994 – 1998
Villa Ardeatina Clinic in Rome, house calls

1997 / 1998
Maxillofacial Institute of the Dental Clinic of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”

1994 – 2007
“Villa Fulvia” Clinic in Rome. Civil Invalid Department, house calls
2000 – 2002

2000 – 2002
Santa Lucia Foundation of Rome

2007 – 2009

2009 – 2013
Marilab Group

Elkin Osteopathic Center

Physio Human Center

Scientific activity

“Current situation of motor and cognitive rehabilitation in the Roman area”

“”The Role of Osteopathic Pivots in Injury Prevention and Improvement of Sports Performance”

“Rehabilitation of the knee after reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament”

“The fascial mechanism in the osteopathic field and repercussions”

Professional activity as an Osteopath

2006 – 2014
Marilab Group

2008 – 2009 
Artemisia Group

2008 – 2014
Piave Institute (Mestre)

Elkin Osteopathic Center

Physio Human Center